Prince Edward Island College of Pharmacy (PEICP)
Licensure Requirements
The Prince Edward Island College of Pharmacy (PEICP) has implemented a new pathway allowing eligible international pharmacy graduates (IPGs) to apply directly to the college.
Eligible candidates must meet the following criteria:
- The candidate must hold a current licence, without any restrictions or conditions, in one of the following countries:
○ Australia
○ Great Britain
○ New Zealand
○ Republic of Ireland
○ United States of America - The candidate must have practised a minimum of 600 hours as a pharmacist, without restrictions or conditions, in the last three years before seeking registration in Prince Edward Island.
Candidates eligible for this pathway are not required to enrol in Pharmacists’ Gateway Canada and must contact the PEICP directly to start their licensing process. More details on this pathway are available on the PEICP website.
Candidates who are not eligible to seek licensure through this pathway are required to meet all the licensure requirements listed in the chart below.
Time (Months)
Enrolment in Pharmacists’ Gateway Canada
PEBC Document Evaluation
PEBC Evaluating Examination
PEBC Qualifying Examination
MCQ = $855*
OSCE = $1,915*
English Language Proficiency Requirement
Application to PEICP (Register as a Provisional Pharmacist)
Practice Assessment of Competence at Entry to Practice (PACE)
Jurisprudence Examination
Licensure / Registration
* Fee is per attempt. Up to four attempts are permitted.
** Total may differ, depending on the number of attempts made to pass the PEBC Evaluation Examination and/or the PEBC Qualifying Examinations.
Financial Information
International pharmacy graduates (IPGs) who want to work as a pharmacist in Canada should be aware of the various fees and costs for each stage of the licensure process. Fees are charged for such things as enrolment in the Gateway, Document Evaluation, examinations, registration for internships and other components.
If candidates need to take additional training and education to qualify for a Canadian licence, they will also need to plan and budget for those additional costs.
Costs of Licensure
IPGs often underestimate the costs associated with obtaining a licence to practise in Canada. They will need to submit fees to separate organizations at different times throughout the process, such as when enrolling in the Gateway, registering to write exams and applying for their final licence.
Costs will differ for each province and territory. The specific fees charged in each Canadian province or territory are presented on their respective pages under the menu item “How to Apply”.
Candidates should also think about the costs of living in Canada while they progress through the licensure process.
Other Extra Costs
The process to licensure can incur additional unexpected costs that are important to keep in mind.
- Additional education: Candidates may choose to complete additional training to improve their knowledge and skills in pharmacy and language. This can be in the form of registering for a course, hiring a tutor, or purchasing online tools or books.
- Travel costs to examination centres: Candidates living outside of major Canadian cities must account for travel costs when scheduling an examination. This may include accommodations (i.e., hotel).
- Immigration: Immigration is an expensive process. Further details are available on the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada website.
- Living costs: The cost of living will vary across Canada.
Financing Resources
Some financing options may also be available for candidates wishing to take a Bridging Program, in the form of short-term loans from a Canadian banking institution such as Scotiabank or RBC Royal Bank.
The Windmill Microlending provides microloans to immigrants to help them pay for the costs of obtaining the licensing or training they require to work in their field in Canada.
The Atlantic Immigrant Career Loan Fund (AICLF) is a micro-loan fund for internationally trained immigrants in Atlantic Canada. Providing micro-loans to newcomers allows them to overcome financial barriers to upgrade their skills and obtain their license or certification so that they can:
• Practice their occupation, regulated or unregulated
• Find opportunities in field or a related field
• Change career to adjust to the labour market needs
We invite candidates to visit the AICLF website to learn more, take our eligibility test, apply or discover successful applicant testimonials.